Service Information
We think that gathering for worship is one of the most important times of the week. While everyone can (and should!) worship God throughout the week, there is something gloriously special about God's people gathering together in praise and devotion. Because of this, we would love for you to join us in that endeavor!
Gathering Times
Sunday Gatherings
Sunday School: 9:30am
This is a time for a smaller group to meet together and study the Bible in a more casual, discussion-based approach.
Morning Worship: 10:30am
This is our most special time of the week. In morning worship we gather for fellowship, singing, prayer, Scripture, and preaching.
Midweek Gatherings
Tuesday Family Meals: 6:00pm
Every Tuesday, we gather at the pastor's house for fellowship. No need to bring anything. Just come enjoy a meal and enjoy one another.
Friday Breakfast: 9:00am
On Fridays, all are welcome to join us at Bob Evans for breakfast. It is as simple as that -- gather and eat and enjoy fellowship!
Evening Bible Study: 5:00pm
This service is more 'casual' than our morning worship. We gather in the fellowship hall for deep study of the Word. There is always time for questions and discussion.
What to Expect On Sunday Mornings
What will people be wearing?
While you will see a few folks in a suit, most will have on something comfortable like jeans and a T-shirt.
What kind of music do we play?
You can expect traditional Southern Gospel hymns -- like the ones from most church hymnals. On occasion, a new song is added in as well.
What is the sermon like?
In technical terms, the sermons are usually expository sermons. That just means that the main points of the sermon reflect the main points of the biblical passage or story for that morning. Most of the time, Pastor Taylor preaches through whole books of the Bible, going chapter by chapter.
What about kids?
Your kiddos can worship along side you on Sunday mornings - in fact, we love when families worship together! If your kiddos are 5 years old or younger, you are more than welcome to utilize our nursery (though you don't have to!).